Coronado, CA — Rotary Club
Coronado Rotary Club Coronado, CA, United StatesCoauthor Taylor Kiland will speak to Rotary members at their [...]
Coauthor Taylor Kiland will speak to Rotary members at their [...]
Meet the author, book discussion, and signing at Barnes and [...]
Coauthors will speak at the club’s military lecture series luncheon [...]
Coauthors will discuss the book with book characters Capt. Dick [...]
Book talk with coauthors and POW family members.
POW/MIA Recognition Ceremony at the Clock Tower Marina Bay hosted [...]
Dinner and Evening Lecture for Unwavering: The Wives Who Fought [...]
“The Women Who Changed How America Fights Its Wars: The [...]
This is a virtual event using Zoom video conferencing software. [...]
Meet the authors for a book talk and signing at [...]
Unwavering coauthors will give a book talk and sign books [...]