Project Description
Careers in the U.S. Navy (Careers in the US Armed Forces)
From the exploits of Commodore John Paul Jones in the American Revolution to American sailors’ current service in the Persian Gulf, the U.S. Navy has served the cause of freedom across the world’s oceans and seas. In Careers in the U.S. Navy, Taylor Baldwin Kiland describes the career opportunities the Navy offers as well as the mighty ships that protect America and its allies. The Navy’s history and current missions are also detailed.
Grade 5–8—Kiland and Stein, veterans of the Navy and Marines, respectively, have done an outstanding job of writing about their chosen military branches. Kiland begins with action in the Persian Gulf before devoting two chapters to the history and development of the U.S. Navy. Stein opens with 9/11, followed by a compact history of the Corps from 1775 to 1918. Chapter three is an overview of World War II to the present. The remaining five or six chapters in each book describe the roles of each branch in defending our nation. Considerable space is devoted to personnel requirements, expectations, duties, and qualifications. Dangers are honestly dealt with. Charts present the various pay scales. Maps are few, but well done. Both texts are generously illustrated with numerous high-quality, color photos. Actual names of Marines and sailors are used in many of the captions. The texts are supplemented with fact boxes when appropriate. The enticing covers are only the beginning of two informative titles that will attract students with military interests, as well as those from military families.