Publisher: Naval Institute Press ISBN 10: 1591144361
ISBN 13:

A Walk in the Yard: A Self-Guided Tour of the U.S. Naval Academy

Drawing on colorful literary and historical references, this narrative guide to the U.S. Naval Academy grounds—known as the Yard—takes visitors on a prescribed path within the walls of a great Annapolis institution that has been educating midshipmen for more than 150 years. Visitors can move at their own pace as they immerse themselves in the Academy’s culture, as described here, and linger over what appeals to them most, be it John Paul Jones’ crypt, a collection of Currier and Ives prints at the Naval Academy Museum, or antique cannons from the Spanish-American War.

The authors offer telling quotes from famous graduates, anecdotes about events that took place in various buildings, facts about the architecture, and simple instructions about the best place to stand to compare a modern-day view with a historic photograph.